I'm not stupid, I'm just self aware that I don't think in terms of mathematics well at all. It was my worst subject throughout school, contributing to any valleys in my education as a whole. My ACT scores were 3 points lower because of it. The first 'C' I ever earned - which came in college - all because of math. Yuck.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Counting the Cost
I'm not stupid, I'm just self aware that I don't think in terms of mathematics well at all. It was my worst subject throughout school, contributing to any valleys in my education as a whole. My ACT scores were 3 points lower because of it. The first 'C' I ever earned - which came in college - all because of math. Yuck.
Labels: buy orders, buying dice, counting dice, dice masters strategy
Thursday, January 29, 2015
D&D Dice Masters Preview: The Beholder and Dimension Door Revealed!
It's been less than a week since we got our first real look at D&D Dice Masters, and Evan covered it both expertly and thoroughly here. Today, however, our benevolent Dice Masters' err...Masters have revealed another pair of cards from the set on . I want to take a minute to draw your attention to them and give my thoughts about them.
First up we have the dreaded Beholder! Now, anyone who's played D&D will immediately recognize this guy as an iconic and dangerous adversary. If you've read the Return of the Archwizards trilogy by Troy Denning, you'll remember that these bad boys can wreak some serious havoc on a societal level if left unchecked. Obviously I like these big, floating, eye-stalk-spell-slinging-toothy-mawed overlords.
OP Month Five/Six Contest: Back at Last

Podcast 35: Draft Strategy

We open the show discussing recent gaming experiences and Dave's eternal struggle over Catan with his sister-in-law. Chris comes in to talk about his experience growing a Dice Masters community in his neck of the woods, and Dave examines a basic action card. We close with our feature, where we share tips for drafting effectively at your next Rainbow Draft event!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Game on! Lauren vs. Dave
Lauren totally undersells her game knowledge - she went 2-1 at a recent OP!
Monday, January 26, 2015
What's Next for Dice Masters?

D&D Dice Masters WizKids Unveil!

New Set, New Mechanisms
The new set of Dice Masters that is to be released this week includes some pretty nifty mechanisms and other cool additions to the game, some of which are ones that I was really hoping we'd see at some point.
Even if you aren't a fan if Yu-Gi-Oh, there are some really cool things in this set, things that I absolutely hope that we see in future sets.
If you're on the fence about this one, give this and some of the other set coverage some consideration. You might get turned around. I did, so did Evan, and we're hearing the same from some others in the Dice Masters community.
If you were already sold, then start licking your chops.
Let's take a look.
Even if you aren't a fan if Yu-Gi-Oh, there are some really cool things in this set, things that I absolutely hope that we see in future sets.
If you're on the fence about this one, give this and some of the other set coverage some consideration. You might get turned around. I did, so did Evan, and we're hearing the same from some others in the Dice Masters community.
If you were already sold, then start licking your chops.
Let's take a look.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
TRP - Yu-Gi-Oh! Dice Masters Official Preview
A big thanks to WizKids for sending some review product our way! Yu-Gi-Oh! Dice Masters drops this week - be sure to check it out.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
YGO Super Rares!
Alert reader Mike shared some eBay auctions with images of the super rares for this new set - and so it seemed like a great time to talk about them!
As a YGO skeptic, I have to say that I'm starting to come around on this set. There are some really nifty abilities here and in the card set as a whole. Unless you're 100% turned off by the Yu Gi Oh brand and/or art style, I'd say that you should check this set out.
Let me also say that I know nothing about how thematic any of these might be. However, they're all pretty terrifying and they're all dragons, so I assume that they're all ridiculously powerful in the actually setting of YGO.
If that's the case, then WizKids nailed it.
On to the cards!
As a YGO skeptic, I have to say that I'm starting to come around on this set. There are some really nifty abilities here and in the card set as a whole. Unless you're 100% turned off by the Yu Gi Oh brand and/or art style, I'd say that you should check this set out.
Let me also say that I know nothing about how thematic any of these might be. However, they're all pretty terrifying and they're all dragons, so I assume that they're all ridiculously powerful in the actually setting of YGO.
If that's the case, then WizKids nailed it.
On to the cards!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Character Review: Emma Frost
I had to skip over Cyclops and Falcon for now, as I need to reshoot portions of those videos.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The Dice Masters' Melting Pot
No, not a Dice Masters version of the restaurant - although as an aside that is the second most expensive meal my wife and I have ever enjoyed together (read: I'm cheap). I'm talking about the influx of non-superhero sets that are arriving in this current season of the game. With Yu-Gi-Oh and Dungeons & Dragons sets dropping back-to-back it seems that a lot of buzz within the larger DM community is split into camps. I've always had a passing interest in sociology, so here goes.
Podcast 34: DC D-Scussion
Dave and Evan discuss the kerfuffle surrounding the Yu-Gi-Oh! dice masters set and how it's probably not too big a deal. Chris talks about some global abilities and Dave and Randy check the mail. We close with our feature, where we discuss the upcoming DC Dice Masters set and all of the information surrounding it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Randy's Casual Update
Randy here, with something just a little different. While Dave, Evan, and now Chris can all casually drop info during the podcast, I am currently resigned to the articles I type. So here’s me casually dropping some info about upcoming happenings and what to expect. Hopefully you care more than Spider-Man.
Monday, January 19, 2015
WizKids reveals DC Dice Masters Product Line-up, New Dice Photos

New promotional photos on the site also provide a much clearer view of the formerly-unidentified orange die, but I'm ready to say that it is The Persuader, who has been known to carry a fiery halberd.
Those promotional photos also reveal previously-unseen die faces, giving us a better idea of the power levels that we'll be seeing. You'd better believe that Evan will be showing us numbers at some point...
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh and Counterfeiting: A Brief History
We were all surprised by the recent news of serial numbers tying specific dice to card rarity in the Yu-Gi-Oh set. The move was made without warning and was certainly unexpected.
Just as unexpected, though certainly far more welcome, was WizKid's response to a question from a Facebook user stating that the numbering was going to be unique to the Yu-Gi-Oh set. But why? They did not say.
Well, we have a theory. But first, a little background.
Just as unexpected, though certainly far more welcome, was WizKid's response to a question from a Facebook user stating that the numbering was going to be unique to the Yu-Gi-Oh set. But why? They did not say.
Well, we have a theory. But first, a little background.
Labels: counterfeid, dice masters, editorial, konami, news, upper deck, wizkids, Yu-Gi-Oh, yu-gi-oh dice masters
Mistakes! - Running an Uncanny X-Men Rainbow Draft, Part 2
Let's take a step back from all the DC and Yu-Gi-Oh news for a moment. Last week you read about how I ran my very first event. It was an Uncanny X-Men rainbow draft, handing out the AvX Month 1 prize pack. You can find all the details of how running it went right here. Dave attended the event. You can read his account here, or just watch his vlog for that day here. For those of you that want to get in to the Xs and Os of my draft strategy and gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. Read on.
Labels: dice masters, marvel, rainbow draft, strategy, uncanny x-men
Friday, January 16, 2015
More DC Spoilers!
The DC Dice Masters rules are available in .PDF format - and as a throwback to yesterday's post, you can note that there are ZERO mentions of serial numbers in there. Fear not!
This rule book DOES give us information about more of the cards that we'll see in this set! Read on!
Labels: batman, dc comics, dc dice masters, deathstroke, news, superman, wonder woman
Thursday, January 15, 2015
What Does Yu-Gi-Oh and D&D Dice Masters Say About the Future of the Game?
The Dice Masters Community has been alive with the news of the rather sudden Yu-Gi-Oh Dice Masters drop coming from WizKids. Granted, we've known about Yu-Gi-Oh DM in the works for a good bit of time; it's sudden arrival is both interesting and a bit shocking. So what does the arrival of Yu-Gi-Oh Dice Masters or the upcoming release of Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters say about the future of a game heavily rooted in our beloved comic book roots?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Labels: dice masters, dungeons and dragons, editorial, Yu-Gi-Oh
News: We have a problem.
Apart from the fact that it was just never something that interested me, WizKids unveiled a new wrinkle in the Yu-Gi-Oh rules - and thanks to our alert reader Karl who first noted this to me.
Before I begin - Note that these rules do not appear in the new rulebook for DC Dice Masters. Hopefully this is just an experiment and they'll never implement it anywhere else. I'm concerned about future sets, but again - this does seem limited to Yu-Gi-Oh. For now. This also would be limited to constructed or semi-constructed formats, in terms of it's impact on organized play. Draft would not be impacted.
What is it?
Labels: news, reserve pool, serial numbers, Yu-Gi-Oh, yu-gi-oh dice masters
Podcast 33: Uncanny Themes
Dave and Evan continue their 2015 discussion by mentioning the games that they are most looking forward to this year. Chris debuts his brand-new segment about building a Dice Masters scene. We close with our feature, where we break down our top ten most thematic Uncanny X-Men Cards - as well as our dishonorable mentions!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Dice Masters Storage Solutions

Labels: collector, commentary, dice masters, opinion, organization, storage solutions
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Mistakes! - Running an Uncanny X-Men Rainbow Draft, Part 1

Friday, January 9, 2015
Thursday, January 8, 2015
DC Starter Set Characters & Their Dice!

We can put together every character in the starter set and for a majority of them, all of their die stats.
None of this is too difficult to suss out, but it may require the reading glasses for some.
The starter goes with a few obvious fan favorites and provides mostly heroes with a couple of villains.
Spoilers after the jump, and commentary WAY at the bottom!
Podcast 32: Sidekicked to the Curb
In this episode, the first recorded in 2015, we take a quick look back at some of our personal gaming highlights of the past year. There's a mailbag question about attack step timing. Our feature delves into the sometimes misunderstood and disrespected die - the sidekick - and it's place in a very fearsome deck.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Three Keys to Engage a Fan Base

I was a Heroclix player for a good three years. Being a reader and community-engager, I got myself plugged into HCRealms, Heroclix's largest and leading fan site. I was hooked and contributed to discussions and trading and all the good stuff.
During my "tenure" surfing around at HCRealms, one interesting thing caught my eye.
Labels: commentary, editorial, fan base, wizkids, WizKids dice masters
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Things We Know: DC Dice Masters
Lots of good stuff in this January edition of Game Trade Magazine.
First, we get clear pics of a WHOLE BUNCH of dice. We also have a few super rares identified, and they reiterate the three cards - Batman, Wonder Woman, and Constantine - that they showed once before.
Join us after the jump for more.
Labels: batman, dc dice masters, news, news dc comics, reserve pool, super rare, superman, wizkids, wonder woman
Welcome, Chris!
We're very excited to add Chris to the mix on our website. He's starting a Dice Masters scene of his own out in Wyoming and is an avid tabletop gamer otherwise. Now that Chris is added to the mix with Randy, we'll be able to start enhancing the podcast with segments featuring them. Chris's audio experience and access to video equipment will also enable us to try a few new projects on the side. If you want to know more about him, check out his bio on our "about" page!
Monday, January 5, 2015
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Organized Play!
Hello there Dicefans!
Check in here today as I share thoughts and exploits from the organized play event I'm participating in today. It should be a fantastic time, win or lose.
Going in, I know it's a rainbow draft. I know that it's the first time this particular store has held a tournament. I know that I'll get to meet Randy face-to-face! What I don't know is what or who I'll be facing!
Along the way, we'll get some video and audio so that we can share today's exploits with you via either or both of the YouTube channel or the podcast.
I'll be updating this post periodically, so check in!
11:55 AM - We've arrived and are fueling up at a Chipotle. We have time to kill and I hear there are waterfalls over here, so we may try to find those first.
12:28 PM - Yeah, we can't find it. To the store!
1:04 PM - We're here! Draft starting in a few minutes. Looks like AVX prizes...
2:13 PM - Won my first game against Randy's brother. He had some iffy rolls and my squad did about as well as it could have. Good stuff. All I wanted was to win one match today. I did that, so I feel happy. I'll talk about my team later.
3:01 PM - Won game two against Ken in dramatic fashion. He had me 13-1 and I was on the ropes - but the right mix of characters and globals enabled me to come back and steal the win in one turn. I was fortunate - he very nearly had me and played very well. Both of my opponents to this point were incredibly gracious people.
6:15 PM - Well, I came in second. We had a lot of fun. Lauren and I both had two wins and one loss, and I think that our first draft went a lot better than expected. I totally forgot to update this after we finished at the store, because we went to have dinner with Randy and his family, and they are such nice people. Big thanks to Randy and the people at Underhill's Games for an awesome afternoon.
Labels: news, organized play, rainbow draft, reserve pool, strategy
Friday, January 2, 2015
Podcast 31: Best UXM Dice
In this episode, we are thrilled to kick off the new year with another episode of The Reserve Pool. There's a bit of banter about recent gaming acquisitions. Then, we look at UXM and all of our extensive testing and unveil - our top ten favorite dice from Uncanny X-Men. It's a light and fun way to start the new year!