Hi, everyone. I had all the plans in the world to have it up for today and it's apparent now that this isn't going to happen. There's been a pretty crazy confluence of events this week, first impacting my time to edit the podcast (nothing bad, a lot of good stuff actually, but it ate up my time) and then, when I went to grab the files that Katie and Evan had uploaded this morning, Evan's file was corrupted and unusable. I'm waiting to see if that's something weird that happened with uploading/downloading to Google Drive, and eventually I'm sure Evan can try and upload it again if the file looks good on his side.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you're too busy digging in to you starter sets and gravity feeds to pay any attention to us! Enjoy the game and we'll have this up as soon as we possibly can - assuming the file is in good shape!
Thanks for bearing with us!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Mistakes! - AvX Month 4 Event Review
This is a continuation of my "Mistakes" series. (Parts 1, 2, and 3 are here.) The mini-series did well enough to make it a monthly ongoing. (The comic book metaphor is intentional.) Actually, the real reason I am going to continue my review and analysis of monthly OP Events is because no one else here at The Reserve Pool is able to attend OP Events, so my account of how these things are going is the only account we have. I'm trying to find the right balance of giving enough details of the games and important moments, but still write an entertaining article that's not too bogged down buy facts and numbers. So let me know if you'd like more or less detail about the actual flow of game, strategy talk, and what-not. Here we go.
This event started out just like any other. We got there, waited for the stragglers to file in, got our teams ready, and started. I used my same (tournament winning) team from last time.
Labels: collateral damage, dice masters, feedback, marvel, strategy
Friday, October 24, 2014
You Might Also Like... Steam Park!
I love playing Dice Masters. I love talking about Dice Masters. But I also love lots of other games. This feature is dedicated to sharing other games that I enjoy and - ones that you might, too. All have some element that fans of Dice Masters can buy in to - whether within theme, mechanisms, or other intangibles.
If you don’t have the game in question and would like to support the site, please consider buying the game through the affiliate link at the end of the article - no tricks, no gimmicks, just an easy way of support for something that you were maybe going to do anyway. They seem to be the same prices as non-affiliate Amazon! If not, that's ok - we still like you!
If you don’t have the game in question and would like to support the site, please consider buying the game through the affiliate link at the end of the article - no tricks, no gimmicks, just an easy way of support for something that you were maybe going to do anyway. They seem to be the same prices as non-affiliate Amazon! If not, that's ok - we still like you!
The Designers: Aureliano Buonfino, Lorenzo Silva, &
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Published: 2014 by IELLO (at least in the USA)
Players: 2-4
Key Points: Dice rolling, action selection, modular board, city building
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Podcast 24: A Rare Conversation
In Episode 24, Dave and Evan talk about a few games that they've had the chance to play lately. Then, Evan goes over the details for the next contest - which includes the OP Reward Colossus as a possible prize! The episode closes with a discussion of the super rare cards that are included in the Uncanny X-Men set. Also included: FAQTalk.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Why I Like UXM Super Rares
Individual copies of these cards went for upwards of $40 or more on auction sites like eBay or
gaming sites like CoolStuffINC. Players needed to pay a pretty penny in order to add them to their collections - unless they were lucky enough to pull one from a gravity feed. These cards were dangerous and were win-conditions all on their own.
But this new set brings something different with the super rares, and I'm a fan.
Monday, October 20, 2014
OP Month Four Contest: Teleporting in Some Blasts From The Past!

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Uncanny X-Men Art Gallery: Part 2

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Podcast 23: Uncanny Mathematics
In this episode, Dave, Evan, and Katie go over the winners for our third contest! Expect a post soon with some of the details for the winning contributions. Thanks for entering! Then, we move to a discussion of the numbers behind the new Dice Masters set and how it compares to Avengers vs. X-Men.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Uncanny X-Men By The Numbers

And then, Mathew from Diceanon.com contacted me; between cards he'd picked up and what had been put out, he'd put together a full card spoiler for the set. Armed with that, I was ready to begin figuring out how USM measured up in the world of purchase and fielding cost curves, power fluctuations, and so on.
Guess what? My findings are nowhere near as dire as last time!
Labels: analysis, buying dice, fielding costs, marvel dice masters, math, uncanny x-men
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Uncanny X-Men Art Gallery: Part 1

Friday, October 10, 2014
You Might Also Like... Sentinels of the Multiverse!
I love playing Dice Masters. I love talking about Dice Masters. But I also love lots of other games. This feature is dedicated to sharing other games that I enjoy and - ones that you might, too. All have some element that fans of Dice Masters can buy in to - whether within theme, mechanisms, or other intangibles.
If you don’t have the game in question and would like to support the site, please consider buying the game through the affiliate link at the end of the article - no tricks, no gimmicks, just an easy way of support for something that you were maybe going to do anyway. They seem to be the same prices as non-affiliate Amazon! If not, that's ok - we still like you!
If you don’t have the game in question and would like to support the site, please consider buying the game through the affiliate link at the end of the article - no tricks, no gimmicks, just an easy way of support for something that you were maybe going to do anyway. They seem to be the same prices as non-affiliate Amazon! If not, that's ok - we still like you!
The Designers: Christopher Badell, Paul Bender, Adam Rebottaro
Published: 2011 by Greater Than Games
Players: 2-5
Key Points: Superheroes, hand management, cooperative play, variable powers
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Podcast 22: Care and Feeding of Dice Masters
In this episode, Dave, Evan, and Katie get back to business with the first FAQTalk in a while. Next, we answer a bit of mail that has come in since the last time we answered the mail. Finally, we close with a discussion of storage solutions now that we're getting more cards, and with an eye toward the plethora of Dice Masters to come.
Monday, October 6, 2014
It's Good To Be Bad: Planning a UXM Villains Team

Long story short - I'm planning a villain team, in part because a few of them have some nice synergy that'll play well in the longer games we'll be seeing, and in part because it works nicely thematically. Winning with a largely believable team roster? Icing on the cake. That said - this is absolutely a work in progress, and obviously since UXM isn't out yet, it's untested; moreover, since we don't have the full breadth of what's in UXM yet, there may be some super obvious fields that aren't here yet because we don't know they're perfect! Expect a followup when that's been cleared up and I get to try it out in the wild.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Mistakes Part Three: The Awesome Conclusion

Quick recap: I don’t want to be “just another player using the popular meta cards”, so I made my team around the idea of destroying the popular meta cards. Most of these cards (Black Widow, Beast, Green Goblin, Storm, Human Torch) seem to have one thing in common. They don’t have a terribly high defense. That means they all share a common weakness: Hulk Smash.
Labels: avengers vs xmen, dice masters, gem keeper, green goliath, hulk, marvel, marvel dice masters, strategy, tsarina
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Podcast 21: Churning to the Next Page
In this episode, Dave, Evan, and Katie talk about the most recent contest that TRP is doing. Next, we answer a bit of mail that has come in since the last time we answered the mail. Finally, we close with a discussion of churn and tempo in Uncanny X-Men and how new characters and rules will impact this.