Thursday, July 31, 2014
Podcast 12: The Free Agents
In this week's episode of The Reserve Pool, Dave, Katie, and Evan talk about how they're spending their summer vacations! Then we announce the contest winners. Finally, we wrap up our faction discussion with the free agents.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
News: A few more character peeks from SDCC

As previously revealed, the booster box is going to hold a full 90 cards, rather than the 60 from the first set. I'm still a bit skeptical, as my first experience with the AvX booster box was trying to figure out how to get the packs out of the box. We'll see!
Our last bit of news an analysis from SDCC is going to be to look at the cards from the side of the box and see what we can figure out! It won't be much, but if you're like me you want to know every little detail... and if you're not like me, you can enjoy the show of watching me get this stuff figured out. I imagine it can be pretty fun to get all of this information without squinting over a bunch of blurry screen shots for hours... which I did.
Labels: archvillains, character, heroic, news, sdcc, sneak peeks
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Deckbuilding: Start with a concept
Monday, July 28, 2014
Rumor: Introducing Your Starters and Super Rares!
So, I think it is well documented that I get a great deal of pleasure from staring at promotional pictures and deriving far more information from them than any reasonable person would bother to. I dictated this first sentence to Evan, and he was nodding his head in emphatic agreement with each word. What does this mean for you, dear readers? It means that I have come up with a pretty good idea of who we will be seeing in the Uncanny X-Men starter kit and some pretty solid guesses for who our best candidates are for the Super Rares!!
Keep in mind that this information derives from some slightly blurry screenshots (care of Crit to Hit) and me working off of some assumptions that I have taken from the numbers that we had from Avengers vs. X-Men. I'll drag you kicking and screaming through my work, and at the end I'll give you my best guesses for who our stand out cards are for the set.
Keep in mind that this information derives from some slightly blurry screenshots (care of Crit to Hit) and me working off of some assumptions that I have taken from the numbers that we had from Avengers vs. X-Men. I'll drag you kicking and screaming through my work, and at the end I'll give you my best guesses for who our stand out cards are for the set.
Labels: character, news, rumor, sdcc, starter kit, super rares, uncanny x-men
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Editorial: What's Wrong with Direct Damage?
A complaint that I'm seeing here and there is that some people really hate direct damage in this game. I actually really don't understand this at all. In fact, direct damage is probably more thematic in this game than it is in many other games.
Labels: cyclops, direct damage, human torch, strategy, wolverine
Friday, July 25, 2014
News: SDCC swag reveals new cards, new playmat
So pictures are coming in from SDCC, and that's awesome, because WizKids has taken the opportunity to show off some cards we've never seen before! Considering we've seen exactly 1 complete card before now, it wasn't hard, but we've gotten to see 14 new cards! Oh man! Considering that we're going to see another 126 total cards this expansion, that's actually a pretty nice percentage, so let's take a look at the cards, and a few more hidden bits and bobs.
All pictures came from Crit to Hit and their SDCC coverage, so all the thanks to them, all pictures are from their good work. Hat tip to Ben Lang and Matthew Marsee who both pointed us this direction, and Ben for helping figure out what these cards said!
Quick note above the cut, we've got a quick look at the AvX collectors box and the reskin of the African Priestess card. It looks nice, a little on the big side, so I'm really curious to get to peel it open.
Edit: 7/25/2014 - day two pictures, also from Crit to Hit have come out, and I've replaced many of the pictures with clearer versions.
All pictures came from Crit to Hit and their SDCC coverage, so all the thanks to them, all pictures are from their good work. Hat tip to Ben Lang and Matthew Marsee who both pointed us this direction, and Ben for helping figure out what these cards said!
Quick note above the cut, we've got a quick look at the AvX collectors box and the reskin of the African Priestess card. It looks nice, a little on the big side, so I'm really curious to get to peel it open.
Edit: 7/25/2014 - day two pictures, also from Crit to Hit have come out, and I've replaced many of the pictures with clearer versions.
Labels: basic actions, character, news, play mat, playmat, sdcc, uncanny x-men
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Podcast 11: Tournament Rules
In this week's episode of The Reserve Pool, Dave, Katie, and Evan discuss recent Dice Masters match ups ! Then, we dig into a discussion of the new tournament rules. What makes sense? What doesn't? Also included - Mailbag!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
News: Tournament Rules
Note: This was scheduled for Monday and didn't make it for some reason. Here it is anyway. Sorry about that!
If you're going to an organized play event or want to throw your had in the ring putting one together, you should be familiar with the following!
WizKids has released official tournament guidelines that answer several questions about ties, what to do when events go to time, and a host of other bullet points.
If you're unfamiliar with such tournament events and have never experienced what "swiss" is, the document explains that as well. It does give some solid information.
I don't want to talk too much here lest we make this week's podcast irrelevant - because spoiler alert, we'll be talking about this subject in this week's episode of the show.
You can find the .pdf document here.
If you're going to an organized play event or want to throw your had in the ring putting one together, you should be familiar with the following!
WizKids has released official tournament guidelines that answer several questions about ties, what to do when events go to time, and a host of other bullet points.
If you're unfamiliar with such tournament events and have never experienced what "swiss" is, the document explains that as well. It does give some solid information.
I don't want to talk too much here lest we make this week's podcast irrelevant - because spoiler alert, we'll be talking about this subject in this week's episode of the show.
You can find the .pdf document here.
Labels: dice masters, news, op, organized play, tournament rules, wizkids
Review: Official Playmats

I was originally not going to purchase the playmat, and had considered the CowCow solution if anything, but now that they're here I actually really liked it! There are quite a few things to recommend it, even if it does have a few downsides to go with the good parts.
Labels: dice masters, official products, play mat, playmat, review
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
PSA: OP Month One Contest Ending Soon!

So if you're looking for a chance to win Teamwork and possibly Thor: The Mighty, remember to send your tale of your greatest win or worst defeat to before then. Entries received after the deadline will not be eligible to win.
Good luck, and happy rolling in the meantime!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Guest Post: Sean's Report, Part II
Reader Sean "Keebler" Powell volunteered to discuss his organized play experiences with us after a marathon three-events-in-two-days run. Those of you who haven't experienced organized play yet - live vicariously through him! If you have, let us know how these experiences compare to your own. We're willing to do a few of these. Guest posts are welcomed, though we make no guarantees that yours will be featured - it depends on several factors, and if we don't use you, we still think that you're great!
This is part two of a two-part feature.
By Sean "Keebler" Powell
If you missed the first part of this article, look here to see the team that was brought to the OPs and the thoughts/justifications behind each card.
So, on to the events!
Friday, July 18, 2014
OP Month Three Rewards Lowdown

Thursday, July 17, 2014
Podcast 10: Avengers, Assemble!
In this week's episode of The Reserve Pool, Dave, Katie, and Evan mention the games that we're playing these days! Then, we dig into a discussion of the Avengers! Who do we like, who do we hate? What about support staff like Nick Fury? Also included - FAQTalk and Mailbag!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Dice Dice Baby

So, let's get one thing straight: not all dice are created equal, and what's the point of having a blog with my opinion if I can't use it to make fun of some of the dice in this game that really should have been sent to their room and not come back until they were painted properly?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The True Cost of a Die
When I was deeply involved in Android: Netrunner, people had an occasionally silly manner of judging the cost of a card. They'd factor in everything, including the fact that you needed to spend an action to draw it and an action to play it. Depending on the day and my mood, it teetered on the fulcrum between logical and ridiculous.
I think that it's a bit harder to quantify in this game because we can only calculate expected energy and average fielding costs. We don't know what we have to work with until we roll the dice, so hard numbers like in the Netrunner discussions are a bit more difficult to identify and work with.
I think that it's a bit harder to quantify in this game because we can only calculate expected energy and average fielding costs. We don't know what we have to work with until we roll the dice, so hard numbers like in the Netrunner discussions are a bit more difficult to identify and work with.
That said, I think that there are costs to examine here that go beyond the cost to buy the die and the cost to field - there are things that you're rolling that are not characters to buy or pay the fielding cost. There's an enormous time cost here as well, and that can determine the real value of a die. Finally, there's a cost just to purchasing more dice, because that means that there's more in your bag that isn't what you want. Let's dig in.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Guest Post: Tourney Report from Sean
Reader Sean "Keebler" Powell volunteered to discuss his organized play experiences with us after a marathon three-events-in-two-days run. Those of you who haven't experienced organized play yet - live vicariously through him! If you have, let us know how these experiences compare to your own. We're willing to do a few of these. Guest posts are welcomed, though we make no guarantees that yours will be featured - it depends on several factors, and if we don't use you, we still think that you're great!
This is part one of a two-part feature.
By Sean "Keebler" Powell
This tournament report is going to focus on my findings in a two day - 3 tournament stint from last weekend throughout Ohio!
This is part one of a two-part feature.
By Sean "Keebler" Powell
This tournament report is going to focus on my findings in a two day - 3 tournament stint from last weekend throughout Ohio!
Labels: dice masters, gobby, news, organized play, strategy, tsarina
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Important Things
Right? There are three Things, and we're talking about them, so that makes them important Things. Yeah, I know, it's a reach. But has it ever been otherwise with me?
Thing hails from the Fantastic Four and is a pretty burly dude. To be honest, I have yet to use him in the game, and that may change after going through the review today (EDIT: After writing this, yeah, I'm definitely giving the big guy a shot very soon)!
Here are the usual details for the next poll, about signing up for Board Game Geek in the first place, and the guild page so that you can join in and participate in the stuff that we do over there.
With out further ado, we bring you: Thing.
Thing hails from the Fantastic Four and is a pretty burly dude. To be honest, I have yet to use him in the game, and that may change after going through the review today (EDIT: After writing this, yeah, I'm definitely giving the big guy a shot very soon)!
Here are the usual details for the next poll, about signing up for Board Game Geek in the first place, and the guild page so that you can join in and participate in the stuff that we do over there.
With out further ado, we bring you: Thing.
Labels: character, ever lovin' blue eyed, fantastic four, review, thing
Friday, July 11, 2014
You've Got The Power (Bolt)

I'll be perfectly blunt - I haven't seriously played magic in approximately a bajillion years. I look at cards
today, and they might as well be written in moon language for how well I understand them (well, or would, outside of how most of the terms explain what they mean); the whole concept of the stack was after my time. In those simpler times, one of the deck styles I enjoyed immensely was the monored direct damage deck. I had one that would zap the opponent relentlessly for a few turns, then blow up everything on the board and start again; it never really got old.
So having said that, maybe everyone will understand when I say that while I don't think it's the best of the basic actions, Power Bolt is probably my favorite - it reminds me of those carefree childhood days of Lightning Bolting my opponents into submission. Oh, and also the fact that it's a pretty useful thing to have around, of course.
Labels: basic action, marvel dice masters, power bolt, strategy
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Podcast 9: Villains!
In this week's episode of The Reserve Pool, Dave, Katie, and Evan talk about continued OP woes - just so you know that you're not alone! Then, we dig into a discussion of villains! What makes a good villain, who do we like in this game, and how can we best use them? Also included - Combo Killers and Mailbag!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
The Reserve Pool OP Contest 1: It Takes Teamwork (To Make An OP)

Well, good news - we here at The Reserve Pool have got our hot little hands on a number of the OP Month One participation rewards, and even a few of the prizes...and we think it's time to share the wealth. That's right - we've got ten copies of Teamwork, and two copies of Thor: The Mighty, that we want to get into the hands of our readers.
So what do you have to do to get a chance at the goods?
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
FAQ Talk: The Print Edition
EDIT: It seems that WizKids is retracting a LOT of the recent rulings that went out. So take any of this with a grain of salt. It seems that nothing will be official until the 2.0 version of the FAQ comes out. That said, we'll leave this post up for posterity - and then perhaps we can compare notes once the true rulings have been revealed!
Usually we save FAQTalk for the audio podcast. Strangely, as you'll find on Thursday, we didn't include one this week - and it turns out that was a good idea, because we have new information!
WizKids has loosened their lips and clued us in on a few different contentious issues.
The have also revealed an email that you can use to contact them with questions. They say that this is going to be THE official source moving forward for items that have not yet made it to the FAQ.
Let's take a look at what we know now:
Usually we save FAQTalk for the audio podcast. Strangely, as you'll find on Thursday, we didn't include one this week - and it turns out that was a good idea, because we have new information!
WizKids has loosened their lips and clued us in on a few different contentious issues.
The have also revealed an email that you can use to contact them with questions. They say that this is going to be THE official source moving forward for items that have not yet made it to the FAQ.
Let's take a look at what we know now:
Monday, July 7, 2014
Tournement Etiquette

Remember, these sorts of things aren't just 'because', they are the way that a game can be executed in the fairest and cleanest way possible. If you want to have a reputation as a game-rushing jerk, go through whatever motions you want, but if you want to grow the community and do things the right way, keep these simple rules in mind as you head to your FLGS with your dice and cards.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
A Punishing Review
The latest winner of our poll is the Punisher.
I have to admit that I know little about this guy outside of the Dice Masters environment. I've known that he exists, and I know that he offers a brand of vigilante justice that some of our more wholesome heroes would be unable to stomach, but that's not a lot of detail. Alas, I will be unable to wax nostalgic about a character this week and stick to the facts at hand.
Here's everything you need for the next poll, about signing up for Board Game Geek in the first place, and the guild page so that you can join in and participate. We definitely have some giveaways in the not-too-distant future, and they'll likely be tied to the guild. Join up!
I have to admit that I know little about this guy outside of the Dice Masters environment. I've known that he exists, and I know that he offers a brand of vigilante justice that some of our more wholesome heroes would be unable to stomach, but that's not a lot of detail. Alas, I will be unable to wax nostalgic about a character this week and stick to the facts at hand.
Here's everything you need for the next poll, about signing up for Board Game Geek in the first place, and the guild page so that you can join in and participate. We definitely have some giveaways in the not-too-distant future, and they'll likely be tied to the guild. Join up!
Labels: big nothing, character, mcrook, punisher, the reserve pool
Friday, July 4, 2014
A Happy 4th of July to All

In related, but more local, news - I'm looking to organize some recurring MDM play at Brothers Grim in Selden, NY, because New Jersey is just too far to go for regular play. If there are other lower NY Dice Masters fans reading this who'd be interested, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at - if we can get a decent-sized group, we should hopefully be able to run the OP there as well. Hope to hear from people soon!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Podcast 8: Spinning!
In this week's episode of The Reserve Pool, Dave, Katie, and Evan talk about the friendliest of local game stores where we get our game on. Then, we dig into a discussion of a mechanism that is unique to this sort of game - spinning! Also included - Mailbag, and FAQTalk!
Labels: dice masters, dice masters podcast, news, podcast, spin, spinning, the reserve pool, tsarina
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The Mysterious KO Zone
Our dice masters play mats are pretty distinctly organized. That's a good thing, because there are a lot of places for our dice to go.
We have our prep area, the reserve pool, the field zone, the attack zone, the used pile... even the dice bag is technically part of the play mat.
But there's another, oft-ignored section of the mat where dice go to die. Ok, they don't die, but this is (allegedly) where they go when they've been knocked out.
I say allegedly because no one seems to play that way, and the rule book doesn't tell us. KO'd die? Move it to prep. Immediately. Do not pass go.
But is this the intent? What's the deal with our ill-defined KO zone?
We have our prep area, the reserve pool, the field zone, the attack zone, the used pile... even the dice bag is technically part of the play mat.
But there's another, oft-ignored section of the mat where dice go to die. Ok, they don't die, but this is (allegedly) where they go when they've been knocked out.
I say allegedly because no one seems to play that way, and the rule book doesn't tell us. KO'd die? Move it to prep. Immediately. Do not pass go.
But is this the intent? What's the deal with our ill-defined KO zone?
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Taking Characters For The Block
So far, I've covered a lot of the planning aspects of playing Marvel Dice Masters - what dice cost and do, and how to make a coherent team given that. I've also discussed some of how you'd actually going about playing out that plan, largely with respect to when you want to buy what. That's very important - having a good plan will win you games, especially when you know how to handle impediments to it - but it's not really covering a big chunk of the game - combat.

There's two sides of considering combat, just like there are two sides to actual combat: when to attack, and with what, and how you should block. I'm going to leave that first bit for another time; maybe I'm feeling a bit defensive today. Regardless, blocking is every bit as important as attacking: it keeps you from dying, which is almost always aces, and it gives you an opportunity to set up the board for your upcoming turn.
So let's get to it, then!

There's two sides of considering combat, just like there are two sides to actual combat: when to attack, and with what, and how you should block. I'm going to leave that first bit for another time; maybe I'm feeling a bit defensive today. Regardless, blocking is every bit as important as attacking: it keeps you from dying, which is almost always aces, and it gives you an opportunity to set up the board for your upcoming turn.
So let's get to it, then!