Friday, January 23, 2015

Character Review: Emma Frost

I had to skip over Cyclops and Falcon for now, as I need to reshoot portions of those videos.


  1. Thanks for the breakdown.

    My son loves playing Emma Frost - Archvillain against me. We mostly play teams that are themed (Avengers vs Villains or X-Men vs Villains) and my team always seems to have some fists who I would prefer to use but can't hurt her.

  2. I like to pair R Toad - Mortimer Toynbee with C Emma Frost - Archvillain. Toad's card ability forces a character to attack and take 2 damage from his * effect on the opponent's turn. I then have Emma block to finish the character off. Its really fun to use on Wolverine when he has his blocking bonuses, which have no effect on her.
