Okay, maybe not the most exciting basic action, but surely it's nice to have the set? And complete your set you can...if you're one of our four lucky winners.
With every character from Uncanny X-Men revealed at this point, speculation as to who is in or out is at an end (though, it's starting for the recently-announced Age of Ultron set...). I'm sure most of us have some characters we'd hoped would be in the set, and were sad to find that they weren't; I'm sure everyone knows Katie's opinion on the subject, for example!
What I'd like to see for this month's contest entry is for you to pick your favorite "no-show" from AvX and UXM, and explain why you wanted to see them in card-and-die form. No need to write giant essays or anything (though if you love Stilt-Man so much you need to write us a thousand-word essay on why you wanted him in UXM, feel free - I would totally read something like that on air), just something about the theme you feel they'd bring to the table and how it was unfortunate that they don't get a chance to do their thing.
For example - Sue Storm is pretty heavily about force bubbles, which makes me think that her theme would be preventing combat damage. That means she'd be a choice to stop characters like X-23: Assassin, and Deadpool: Assassin cold, or keep your opponent from churning, or to just keep a key blocker from getting knocked out. Given the likely 'grindier' combat we're expecting from UXM, that aspect of Sue would be a cool supplement to stuff like the Smash! global, and maybe shape the meta a little.
Also, we'd finally have all four of the Fantastic Four.
Once you've picked your character and written your entry, send it to with the subject 'TRP OP Month Three Contest'. We'll be accepting entries till October 10th, 9 AM EST; winners will be chosen via magic random procedures and announced soon afterwards. Once again, we'll be reading winning entries on the air, so even if you're not looking to participate in the contest, you can look forward to that!
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your entries soon!
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