Thanks to the generosity of Ray Anderson, we've got some extra copies of several of the basic actions to go around - specifically, Teamwork, Rally, and Teleport. We've also got a few of the prize characters to hand out as well - this month, we've got a Colossus: Phoenix Force for our grand prize winner, with some of the older guys to spice up the pot next time.
So the good news is, this time, we'll have nine winners: four runners-up, who will win a copy of Teleport; four second prize-winners, who will get Teamwork, Rally, and Teleport, and one grand prize winner, who will win the three basic actions and Colossus: Phoenix Force.
What do you have to do to get a chance to win? Simple! We've covered what Marvel characters that have yet to show up that you'd like to see, but Dave waxed nostalgic about Days of Future Past on the last podcast, and it got me thinking - there are tons of big events Marvel has had over the years, and a lot of them would probably make for good sets. So we'd like to hear - what event do you think would be great to see as an MDM expansion, and why? For example - maybe you're Dave, and would really love to see a Days of Future Past expansion because you really like that cover, and maybe because it'd give you a chance to introduce Jubilee and some new Sentinel variants for her (and the other X-Men) to blow up. No need to write an essay, but feel free to - we'll be happy to read it!
Like always, send your entry to with the subject 'TRP OP Month Four Contest' before 8 AM EST, 11/3/2014 (yay we get an hour of sleep back the previous weekend). Of course, winning entries, or entries that ask for it/tickle our fancy, will be read on the podcast, so everyone can look forward to that.
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your entries soon!
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