All pictures came from Crit to Hit and their SDCC coverage, so all the thanks to them, all pictures are from their good work. Hat tip to Ben Lang and Matthew Marsee who both pointed us this direction, and Ben for helping figure out what these cards said!
Quick note above the cut, we've got a quick look at the AvX collectors box and the reskin of the African Priestess card. It looks nice, a little on the big side, so I'm really curious to get to peel it open.
Edit: 7/25/2014 - day two pictures, also from Crit to Hit have come out, and I've replaced many of the pictures with clearer versions.
New Swag

s, which I enjoyed a great deal in the original. I'm a little surprised to see a new playmat coming, when the old one only just came out, but I suppose if you really love the X-Men and don't care much for the Avengers (vs. X-Men) it makes plenty of sense!
New Starter Kit

This is by no means official, this is pure, rampant, wild speculation, but based on the presence of Cyclops, Iceman, and Angel all on the table, I think a large set of the cards we see will be there.
So with 5 characters that seem to be 100% confirmed, and 3 more that could be confirmed if we got some better pictures later in the week, it looks like that will cover most of the characters that will come in the starter kit. If WizKids stays true to form, none of these characters will have a super rare, but, again, that's also by no means official.
What You're Actually Here For

First up we have Angel: Superhero. "When fielded, Angel may pair up with a different Heroic character until the start of your next turn" and then a global of "Once per turn while Angel is paired up, you may pay [shield] to give Angel and his partner each +2D".

Apocalypse: Archvillain. "While your opponent has no Villains in the field, prevent all damage to Apocalypse." Really interesting card to me. This might re-shift the field when it comes to Villains. I'm not sure he's going to be the guy who demands you have at least one Villain on your team, but it's certainly a cute newer mechanic.
He's got some nice, beefy stats as well, but sadly at 6 energy I'm not sure about getting him out in time to really seal the deal. There's been a perpetual problem of 6 and 7 cost characters that don't really close out the game, when that should probably be a focus for the more expensive cards.

Captain America: Follow Me continues the theme of the previous Caps, making him a character who is all about other people. This time, rather than focus on sidekicks, Cap facilitates fielding in a way similar to Nick Fury: Mr. Anger. "When fielded, the next character you field this turn can be fielded for free". Sadly Cap is not the cheapest guy to field, but he does really open up the door for making it cheaper to field some of those beefier characters. This has been a meta-problem that we at TRP have noted a few times before.

I can't imagine anyone really liking this guy, I would never include him over If Looks Could Kill, and he just doesn't do nearly as much damage to be worth it. He also doesn't have sufficiently low defense to take advantage of combinations like fielding into a field with Doctor Doom: Reed Richards's Rival already in play. Just a really weird, awkward card, and surprisingly out of theme compared to Angel and Marvel Girl who both focus on the characters's more youthful costuming and theme. I expected him to be 'Heroic', whatever that means, and instead they are focused on his post-AvX personna.

This guy has some really fantastic potential, and that global is making me very excited as well. The wording on the card also makes it explicit that you can take Sidekicks who were in your field and turn them into energy. There's a FAQTalk in here somewhere about whether or not you can (e.g.) block with a set of Sidekicks and then pay a bolt to turn them into energy and bring them back into your field and then mess around with a slew of bolt energy, but suffice to say this really ups the availability of bolt energy if you want to focus that way.

Sadly, like other cards, she has the root of her own downfall right on the card, but she also becomes a very interesting mover and shaker in the meta because she can keep characters from attacking at all. Bye bye Tsarina! If you are able to block a character like McRook or Tsarina from ever attacking, their nasty effects can't come into play. It does mean that whenever you field her you might find yourself in a position where you have to pay a life to deal 2-3 damage, but this is an interesting strategy question to have to deal with.

I'm sorry, I have to... look, I know it's rude, but are we going to talk about the fact that Namor is AN AVENGER?! I just can't even deal with this. He has been branded as "THE FIRST MUTANT". He constantly tries to get it on with Sue Storm and Emma Frost. Atlantis has spent time being pretty heavily aligned with the Fantastic Four. He was part of the Phoenix Five... you know... the MUTANTS the Phoenix Force chose to-- GAAAAH!
Ok, moving on. Psylocke: Ninjitsu has weenie characters running scared. "When fielded, choose one opposing sidekick or character with a purchase cost of 2 or less. If it is a level one, knock it out. Otherwise spin it down one level." She compliments other spin down characters, like Tsarina, but she could also be brutal against characters like Beast: Mutate 666 because this could allow you to get rid of his most annoying side. She's also pretty cheap at 3 purchase cost. She's a really interesting early game control option; on the other hand, I'm not seeing anything that costs 2 to purchase yet so... her utility might be limited.
Red Hulk: Thunderbolt Ross is taking over Bruce Banner's die and giving it a splash of a different sort of gamma radiation. He has a theme that wouldn't have been out of place on one of the Hulk cards from the AvX set: "* If Red Hulk is damaged in an attack phase but not knocked out, spin him up one level at the end of the turn."
That reliance on a burst might seem like a negative at first, but it actually doesn't affect him at all, only his level three face is without a burst. This card does not allow for gaming via the Human Torch fielding trick.
He's a pretty neat character, but I'm not sure I see myself using this card: too much cost for not quite enough, especially since newer cards like X-23 are bringing much cheaper attack. Semi-surprisingly Red Hulk is not branded as an Avenger or a Villain, but we need more unaffiliated guys as well so I'm alright with this.

Like a few of these cards, Sabertooth: Something to Prove really has me glad to see some new mechanics. I have bemoaned the lack of 'spin up' for quite some time, and the fur ball has answered my cries. "At the beginning of your turn, spin each of your Sabertooth dice up one level." That sound you heard was the sound of people who use Tsarina strategies crying a little bit on the inside.
Automatic (or semi-automatic) spin up will make it far easier to keep up with the spin down effects that were more prevalent in the AvX set. He's also pretty cheap, although his stats are nothing to write home about he is still available for purchase on turn one which is my idea of a good place to start.

We've also finally grown a few more Villains who have some interesting targeting abilities. Similar to Magneto, Sentinel: Mutant Hunter has its eye on the X-Men. "When Sentinel attacks you can force one X-Men character to block it (if able)."
I really wish this allowed you to force multiple X-Men to block for the price, as with such a beefy attack stat I'd like to see it go to use, rather than be wasted on only one character. We are completely without multi-target assassination cards, and Sentinel would thematically have fit very well. There's also the matter that on the meta level there is very little encouragement to multi-block, so being able to force it is pretty cool... but that's not the card this is. As it stands he's sort of 'meh' for me.

Vision has some great stats, and he's very defensively oriented at a nice low price of 4 purchase cost. I've always liked Vision as a character, and I'm really glad to see he has an interesting ability to go with it.
He finds himself as an Avenger; I had thought this was pretty likely, but it was still in question until just now.

X-23: Scent of Murder: "X-23 cannot block." Well I don't care if she can't block! With stats like that and a purchase cost like that, I don't want her defending anyway. Just like Vision she has really beefy stats for her purchase cost, but unlike Vision she's very attack oriented. I'm liking this a lot, and being able to potentially threaten with 7 attack on turn three is really great.
In case you were curious what TRP's own Evan (a self-admitted Laura fan) thought of this card, he made some very happy noises about the fact that WizKids has been so kind as to make one of his favorite characters really awesome!
I think there may be some better options around, but I would never be sad to put this card on a team.

Last, but not least, we finally have 150% confirmation that we will be getting new Basic Actions. Possession is not just 9/10ths of the law, it's a new basic action. "At the start of your attack step, take control of an opposing character with a level lower than that of your characters. Attack with it. ** Instead take control of an opposing character with an equal or lower level."
This card already needs errata, sadly, but I'm pretty sure what this means is... well I'm actually not 100% sure, but 'Control' has thus far been used as a thing that one character does to another character, but in this case it's a basic action that's initiating the control.
My best guess is that you are to pick one of your dice, and Possession assigns that character as the controller, and then it is that die that is compared to the die you wish to control. Thus, if I have a level 2 Kitty Pryde, I may use her to control a level 1 character of my opponent, and so forth. The wording on this card is incredibly unclear though.
My first thought is that this would be good for clearing out something like Beast: Mutate 666 or Loki: Gem Keeper who is sitting in the back of the field making your life miserable, but I'd have to see it in a game before I was really ready to commit to that.
What's Left
Finally, unless my eyes deceive me we are looking at 126 total cards, sooo... 10 Basic Actions and 24 character cards in the Starter Kit, another 8 cards to fill out the uncommon variants of the core kit cards means 8 characters in the starter kit, and an additional 28 characters (or action cards) means 36 characters/actions total meaaaan...
We've definitely seen all of the dice we're going to see, there are no more characters left to be reveal, and there is no Sue Storm.
You can imagine, for a moment, that I made a sad face while writing this article.
*Sad Face*
I'm not sure where on Earth they are going to get more Fantastic Four for this expansion, and I can only imagine that the affiliations are going to continue to become more lopsided. We'll continue to bring you all of the news that's fit to print as SDCC continues and we roll towards GenCon and release day, which, unsurprisingly, seems to have officially been bumped back to October.
Have a great time, just like me, not being at SDCC... and if you are at SDCC, send us better pictures of that starter box!
For Namor, do "active action effects" include things such as "cannot block Angel" and "Dr. Strange does 2 damage"? I would tend to think so, but perhaps you're only able to cancel the actual action (like the +1 from inner rage). I also assume he can "unpossess" someone as well, but if so can that person block or has that window passed? Confusing. And I agree on Avenger affiliation, not the most appropriate affiliation I suppose, but in defense of the game, he has definitely been an Avenger.
ReplyDeleteFor Cyclops, I think you're shortchanging that character a bit. Yes he's expensive, but he also doesn't have to attack to deal his damage, which allows for a little more flexibility I think. ILCK is almost exclusively a finisher because you usually don't want to give such a big roll to your opponent and not win right there. Whereas this guy can come out a bit earlier (6 is way easier to get earlyish than 7 IMO). Also Hulk/Nova/Ironman can kind of mess up your plans with ILCK, a problem this guy doesn't have. We'll see, and I think you're generally right about him, but the big attack for the predictable 1 fielding cost in addition to the 3 bonus damage you get when you field makes him somewhat intriguing to me. Totally agree on the card though - to me even a bigger miss than Namor as Avenger - why the heck is Cyke in his AvX persona in the Uncanny set!?! And why oh why isn't he Heroic!? First those dumb movies and now this - Cyke never gets any love. LOL.
ICEMAN, though. I am so psyched to get this guy in the field. The best thing for me though is how awesome his global plays with Phoenix: Redd, another of my faves. Attack with Phoenix and watch them run!!! A question I had about the timing of the "double attack" ability is can you double the buffed up attack value after you use a bunch of bolts on Invulnerability? Or is "attack" just the printed number on his die, no more, no less. I would tend to think the former. If so, Iceman can get very huge very quick. Thrown Car! I also think it's pretty cool that Bobby Drakes stats are the mirror image of Cyclops.
On getting out higher cost characters, I think Psylocke is really going to change things up - all of those Beast and Tsarina strategems really look weak now with her in the mix. Put just one Vision out there and Tsarina honestly just isn't that big a deal. And since those were the very things holding back the ability to buy a more expensive character, I think you'll find that opened up a bit. I've been a pretty vocal critic of how the game has played out up to now but I am VERY pleased with what I'm seeing here. Really excited for October!, I mean November!, I mean next January! I mean, whenever we actually can get our hands on this set, I will be excited!
Namor is going to be the subject of a lot of FAQ bits I think!
DeleteMostly my problem with Cyclops is that Hawkeye: Longbow is just way better, Hawkeye also doesn't have to attack to deal his damage and you can take advantage of some more fiddly things like HT-ing the Hawkeye or using Doom to give everyone a -1D that allows you to recycle him much more easily. With characters who have an 'on field' effect, I always look towards the ability to get them sent back to the Prep Area and it's very hard with Cyclops.
Iceman's great, it's going to shake up the 'bolt meta' I think. I think we might start to see more and more mono or bi-energy teams given the power of some of these globals.
Lots of good counters, you're absolutely right!
That is a good point Katie. Cyclops will set in the field for a while, most likely. You won't be able to use his ability often.
DeleteThanks. Yeah I mean 2D for his level 1 is hardly beefy, but when compared to Hawkeye's 1/1/2 defense it's much harder to reliably recycle him to Prep. I feel the same about Storm Wind Rider and African Priestess; with a max defense of 2D they are far easier to recycle. You WANT flimsy cards with 'on field' abilities, not the more bulky Cyclops die that maxes out at 4D.
DeleteCould just be me, but I think "active action effects" specifically refer to the effects of action dice such as Thrown Car or Vibranium Shield.
DeleteOuch, come to think of it, Namor's gonna be a major defensive tactic against Teamwork strategies.
I'm thinking that force attack will be huge with Namor, because it's effectively "cancel action". You see that action die being drawn, you need to force on that turn to cancel it. To me the word "Active" distinguishes between actions that are ongoing vs. actions that are instantaneous and then over. So Namor wouldn't prevent power bolt or rally, but he'd cancel out inner rage or thrown car or invincibility or teamwork. Pretty interesting.
DeleteBonus points because you can't use Distraction to pull back your attacker that Namor blocked, once he blocks, he blocks, AND the effect would resolve before damage is dealt, so if you have Throw Car or one of the other active Actions in play, you don't get to keep those benefits from the action when the damage phase starts.
DeleteLove the Psylocke card, looking forward to her variants. Most of the Meta is Beast "Mutate 666", Black Widow "Tsarina", Angel "Soaring"...she neutralizes those characters like a boss. One thing of note that struck me is the text: "...or character with a purchase cost of 2 or less." What's the precedent for saying, "or less"? Are we going to see a cost of 1 at some point? If so, I hope there's a dice limit on that character of 2!
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I'd ever take that Cyclops over Hawkeye "Longbow". Looking forward to seeing his other variants. Right now, ILCK is the one for me and Iceman "Too Cool for Words" is going to help in purchasing him. I agree with the assessment that we should've gotten a younger Cyke, much like Marvel Girl but as a fan I'm happy he's included and take whatever I get.
Love that Kitty Pryde card too. Not only does she work well with an 'unblockable' team, she uses up an energy of your opponent because why wouldn't they want insurance against her?
I'm curious about the 'or less' as well! Even if we don't see one this time around this suggests that a 1 cost might be possible. It might just be slightly less ambiguous language than WK is used to. Hitting the low-cost meta in the face is a great move, although I'm a little sad she doesn't cost 2 herself because she's not as fast as the cards she needs to counter.
DeleteThat Cyke is so bad, eww. And it's funny because I don't see any reason why he couldn't have been given a picture of the old school Cyke and still had this card as one of his cards. Weird.
Kitty is AMAZING, I want her on my team so bad. I sort of want a T-shirt now that says 'Got [mask]' because it's SUCH an important part of the globals meta with Mags, Reed, Distraction, and now Kitty.
It is great to see some of these cards finally. Can't wait to get my hands on them. There will be a lot of changes to the meta. Going by these cards, we might see a slight reduction to the average buying price for characters. A lot of 4s here. But still seems high. Hopefully there are more 3s and 2s coming.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing to point out. Looks to me like these are all common cards. Hard to see on some of the poorer quality pics and I am assuming these are the final cards, with the appropriate rarity colors. Makes me even more excited to see the other cards.
DeleteYeah, I think the 4 cost explosion might be a lesson learned from AvX and the high cost of die purchase and its effect on play speed. I do hope we see more 3s and 2s as well. I'm also very excited to see some more cards, but these give me a lot of hope for what we're going to see later.
DeleteI may be behind in the times, but I only recall 35 character and 1 action dice being spoiled at Origins, which should leave 1 more of each. Assuming Uncanny follows AvX's example.
ReplyDeleteMy math was based on a close up zoom of the Kitty Pryde card which seems to give total cards in the set at 126; this would be 36 total new dice, not the 132 of the AvX set.